A simple calendar that displays a whole month of both standard (Gregorian ) and Julian days together in the same display for easily conversion between the two. Useful to those who work with Julian dates e.g. mainframe programmers and schedulers.
>Shows a full month at a time of Julian date/normal date and optionally week number.
>Optional Widgets showing current Julian day .
>Week of year display
>optional landscape mode enable via settings
>Can be installed on SD card IF not using widgets.
(Note: widgets only available for installs not on SD cards or other no default app storage locations due to android limitations )
>Besides the default display of date and Julian Day in each calendar cell, you can now display just date, or just Julian day by itself, or combined with the 'week of year number' in any combination of 1 ,2 or all 3. (this was added in response to user request) Note: Displays of all 3 items day/Julian day /week of year number may not be suitable on smaller screens. That said each display mode can have its font size adjusted and saved via menu option.
To distinguish between the 3 types of information, Julian days will always by bounded by a "-" e.g. -123-, and week number will always be in brackets e.g.(30).
Long press can be set to open calendar/agenda on the device. Works only for latest android. Enabled via settings.
As always any bugs/feature requests or questions - please email me at <a href="mailto:whynotnowtoday@gmail.com">whynotnowtoday@gmail.com</a>
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">一个简单的日历,显示了整整一个月了标准(阳历)和朱利安天在同一个显示两个之间轻松转换。例如有用的人谁与朱利安工作日期大型机的程序员和调度。
>除了日期和儒略日在每个日历单元默认的显示,您现在可以通过本身只显示日期,或只是儒略日,或结合在1,2或3的所有任意组合的“年数星期”。 (这个加在响应用户请求)注:所有3个项目的年数天/儒略日/星期显示可能不适合在小屏幕上。这就是说每种显示模式都可以有其字体大小通过菜单选项进行调整并保存。
对3种类型的信息加以区分,儒略日将始终为界一个“ - ”,例如-123 - ,和周数将永远在括号如(30)。
一如往常的任何错误/功能要求或问题 - 请给我发电子邮件在<a href="mailto:whynotnowtoday@gmail.com">whynotnowtoday@gmail.com</a></div> <div class="show-more-end">